
Categories: Company News


George Anderson


The Risk & Reward of Transparency

We’ve written elsewhere about The Kimono Effect—the idea that exposing your SAP data to web customers may require a little cleanup of your business rules. What makes the Kimono Effect startling (and refreshing) is its transparency. It drives you to simplify data management, which saves you headaches and cost in the long run.

At Corevist, we relish that kind of transparency. We practice it with all our clients, including those who are just launching their ecommerce initiatives. Through Project Initiation surveys, we make ourselves transparent to our new client—and we also give them a transparent view into their own processes. We want to collect and organize our new client’s responses to what they’ve seen in the workshop. Our goal is to uncover risks so we can deal with them promptly.

Here’s what this two-way transparency uncovered in a recent Project Initiation Workshop.

Corevist helps organizations simplify their processes

Three of these recent survey responses illustrate how Corevist helps drive organizations toward more effective internal processes. When answering the question, “What’s the likelihood we’ll bring this in on time,” two of the three respondents rated us lower. But the way these two respondents explained their answers was enlightening.

First, here are the questions. The first two are scored on a sliding scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree:

  1. Today’s milestone review event was executed as expected.
  2. Based on today’s milestone review event, I am very confident that we will achieve the project’s objectives and finish this project on time.
  3. What would it take to get to a Strongly Agree on both of your answers?

The answers to #3:

  • “Inhouse delivery performance cannot keep pace with Corevist. Therefore, I strongly agree that Corevist can finish the project in time.”
  • “More commitment and clearer decisions on our (client) side. No Problem on Corevist side!”

Essentially, these respondents are saying, “You’ve uncovered our ability to get our people to make decisions quickly (or not)—our ability to free ourselves up to do the testing, clean up the data, and set a more reachable goal.”

Because we were transparent and open to honest feedback, we helped our client become transparent and gain a better view into their own processes. That can only yield good things down the road.

Transparency is rewarding

Transparency involves risk. When you open yourself up to honest feedback, you really don’t know what you’re going to get. How rewarding, then, when you get highly positive feedback!

All of our post-workshop surveys include a question for NPS (net promoter score). The NPS question asks how likely the respondent would be to recommend Corevist to a colleague or friend. The respondent selects an answer from 0-10. Here’s how the answers are catalogued:

  • Detractor (0-6)
  • Passive (7-8)
  • Promoter (9-10)

Here’s the question and the answer we got from numerous respondents:

  • How likely is it that you would recommend Corevist to a friend or colleague?
    • Extremely likely – 10 (Promoter)

In these recent surveys, we were delighted to receive high marks in NPS score. It’s incredibly gratifying to know that our hard work is being received well.

Still, we actually prefer getting 6, 7, 8—Detractor up through Passive. Why? Because then we have opportunities to improve. When we see an NPS of 10, which is the number of perfection on the NPS scale, we don’t get any feedback on how to improve Corevist.

Moving forward: FREE case study

Want to see the product of our transparency in real life? Download this case study on LORD corporation. You’ll learn how LORD replatformed onto Corevist Commerce without missing a single milestone.

[want_more title=”Learn more” subtitle=”FREE Case study: LORD Corporation” description=”Learn how LORD launched ecommerce that reflects their SAP system in real time.” button_text=”Download Now” button_link=”/” button_class=”btn btn-primary lord-case-study” title2=”See it for yourself” subtitle2=”Talk to us” description2=”Curious what Corevist Commerce can do for you? Let us show you a personalized demo. You’ll see ecommerce with real-time SAP data.” button_text2=”Schedule Demo” button_link2=”” button_class2=”demo-popup”]