Well, we won another one!

Last year, Nordson won Progressive Manufacturer of the Year based on our SAP Integrated B2B Internet Based Order Management project.  We also won a grant from NCIDEA validating that we were (are) a promising young North Carolina based company.

This year (so far :-)) it’s the Small Business Commerce Association’s 2009 Best of Business Award.

This is an excerpt from the award notification I received:

Congratulations B2b2dot0 Inc ,

The Small Business Commerce
Association (SBCA) is pleased to announce that B2b2dot0 Inc has been
selected for the 2009 Best of Business Award in the Business services at
non-commercial site category.

The SBCA Best of Business Award
Program recognizes the best of small businesses throughout the country.
Using federal, state, city & county government data and other
research the SBCA selection committee chooses the award winners that
are believed to have demonstrated what makes small businesses a vital
part of the American economy. Award winners are a valuable asset to
their community and exemplify what makes small businesses great.

I’m not sure who the SBCA is, or how they found me, but I’m honored to be recognized by them.


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