
Categories: Company News


Carolyn Sparano



Getting the inside scoop on how customers really use your site

When customers look at an order page on your B2B website, do you know exactly how they interact with the features? Have you ever wondered if people are actually clicking the button you want them to?

You’re not alone. A client recently asked us to provide more information about how their customers were using their online shopping cart. They wanted to know how often their customers choose the default shipping option verses an alternate shipping option.

Enter Pendo.

Pendo is an application that tracks visitor movements on a website and specific movements on individual pages.

“Pendo gives us an incredibly clear picture of how B2B customers interact with our clients’ websites. The information we collect allows us to make much more informed design and layout decisions,” says Upgrade Program Manager, Danielle Splendore. “We’re able to track, very granularly, the visitor behavior on a website, or in this case, interactions with an online shopping cart.”

“When we used Pendo on our client’s site, we discovered that almost 70% of customers clicked the ‘Checkout’ button, and didn’t seem to even notice their shipping options.”


“Our client was blown away with how closely we could track what their customers were doing online. This goes way beyond what Google Analytics can show you in terms of customer interaction.”

In addition to the reporting features, Pendo also has the ability to show “in-app messages” on pages, to guide users to specific actions.

“In-app messages can include welcome messages when someone visits a site, or we can put messages in specific places where we have found an under-utilized feature. It’s a quick way to walk visitors through the site, decrease the time for them to perceive the value, and increase adoption rates (which in turn increase your ROI) because you’re not leaving people to figure it out on their own,” Splendore says.

“So, for example, say you use Pendo’s tracking tools to find out how customers use your B2B eCommerce site. The data reveals that a large portion of users exit the site on a particular page. To address that, you put a guide on that page to make it more clear to your customers what they’re supposed to do on that page. In the simplest terms, we can now help our clients drive the behaviors and actions they want to see happen on their eCommerce sites.”

Right now this is a pilot program that’s still in the early stages, but we’re looking forward to rolling it out to more customers soon. Contact Us if you’re interested in finding out more.

About “Behind the Scenes”

As a fast-growing technology company, we’re faced with new opportunities and challenges almost every day. Our response to those events often creates interesting stories (certainly for us and we hope for you).

This series was created to capture and share a “backstage” look at the ways we’re working to scale the company, evolve our services, and respond to the demands of the marketplace. We hope that our customers, partners and friends find value in our efforts to be transparent.