
Categories: Founder's Blog


Sam Bayer


Demise of SAP ERP?

Well…that’s not exactly 100% true, but Forrester’s recent 2013 B2B Commerce Suite Wave Report does pretty much come right out and suggest it with the following quote:

“Although many firms use their ERP systems to manage order lifecycles, our clients are increasingly moving this capability into their new “front-end ERP” – their B2B commerce suite”.

So that’s where the battleground is going to be drawn in the SAP space.  Do you want to take advantage of all of the investments that you’ve made in your SAP ERP implementation when you open up your B2B channels or will you be happy to let hybris take over all of your Order Management business rules and data?

Or, will you make the unsavory choice of duplicating all of your SAP implementation and configuration decisions in your new hybris platform?

Our clients are clearly voting to have a single central source of “truth” for their business and that is in SAP.  Frankly, how else will they be able to execute on that omnichannel dream?  Don’t you want your customers to get the same answers to their Order Management questions regardless of whether they check the website, call your CSRs or talk to one of your salespeople?

We think you do.


P.S. By the way, if you don’t want to spend the $2495 for the Forrester Report, head on over to either InSite Software’s website or hybris.  They’ll be more than happy to give you a copy for free :-).

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