ISO 27001 for eCommerce

Corevist customers already know and understand our commitment to customer satisfaction through great products, quality and service.  We already move our customers toward increased productivity while broadening their market share and we are on the ‘move’ ourselves.

The Move.

Corevist is committed to continued improvement and moving our organization forward by adding additional layered security and structure with the ISO 27001 standard as our framework.

The Destination.

ISO 27001 is a security management standard that specifies security management best practices and comprehensive security controls following the ISO practice guidance. The basis of our change is the continued development and implementation of a rigorous security program, which includes the development and implementation of an ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS).

Value Proposition.

Essentially, this enables Corevist to manage security in a holistic, comprehensive manner. Given our international client presence, we chose a widely recognized and accepted international framework to pursue. The ISO 27001 is recognized around the world and the standard specifies:

  • Systematically evaluating information security risks, taking into account the impact of company threats and vulnerabilities
  • Designing and implementing a comprehensive suite of InfoSec controls and other forms of risk management to address company and architecture security risks
  • Adopting an overarching management process to ensure that the information security controls meet the our information security needs on an ongoing basis

Our Commitment to Customers.

Corevist’s twelve month implementation and eventual certification of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 demonstrates our commitment to information security at every level of the organization. At the end of our implementation process, we will be assessed by an independent third-party auditor to validate alignment with the ISO 27001 standard.

Our move toward compliance with these internationally-recognized standards and code of practice is evidence that Corevist’s security program is becoming both comprehensive and in accordance with industry best practices.

Final Thoughts

Corevist welcomes the ISO 27001 standard and best practices into our organization. Our internal teams are enthusiastic to formally communication our continued commitment to the security, confidentiality and availability of our services and your e-commerce platforms. The key to these standards is the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of our rigorous security management program, which forms the foundation for Corevist’s security approach.

In the Corevist infosec department, our first priority is to improve customer satisfaction through improved information security, quality and subsequent process required to obtain greater defense in depth protection while retaining our core[vist] business objectives.

Others Are Moving Too.

According to a recent official survey conducted by they indicated that the ISO 27001 certifications are on the rise.  The certification process increased by 4,531 companies between 2014 and 2015 – a 20% year over year bump.  We plan to join the ranks of the ‘certified’ soon.

About “Behind the Scenes”

As a fast-growing technology company, we’re faced with new opportunities and challenges almost every day. Our response to those events often creates interesting stories (certainly for us and we hope for you).

This series was created to capture and share a “backstage” look at the ways we’re working to scale the company, evolve our services, and respond to the demands of the marketplace. We hope that our customers, partners and friends find value in our efforts to be transparent.