Monthly Archives: January 2016

Happy 8th Anniversary Corevist!

By |2017-12-08T08:45:32-05:00January 7, 2016|Founder's Blog|

Happy Anniversary! January 8, 2016 I’m proud to be celebrating our 8th anniversary today.  I’m pretty certain that this is the longest I’ve ever worked at the same place.  In ...

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New feature: Product Search Filters

By |2023-03-20T14:41:39-04:00January 5, 2016|Company News|

Online users want to search and filter products. It's just what they do. But sometimes the existing product data in SAP isn’t grouped or categorized in a way that makes searching and filtering possible. So Corevist looked for a way to make this happen with Magento, bypassing the need for a time and budget intensive catalog project...

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