Current platform not meeting your needs?
We get it.
That’s why we have helped lots of manufacturers replatform off of legacy solutions. Do one of these sound familiar?
Too expensive to maintain, requires extra middleware to operate, disparate systems cost adding up, lack of internal resources to manage, lack of features and functionality, lack of integration to SAP, or maybe the solution is simply no longer supported because it’s EOL. Whatever may be the case, we’re here to help.
What if it wasn’t this hard?
Imagine this:
With the right solution, you could unify your B2B ecommerce initiatives under one SAP-integrated platform, then expand features, functionality, AND geographies without friction.
One growing business. One growing platform. Every customer satisfied.
Welcome to the Corevist Platform.
Holistic ecommerce with SAP ERP data.
We built the Corevist Platform on the bedrock of real-time SAP ERP integration. That means better UX, lower data maintenance, and fast time-to-market.
We’re templatized. We’re scalable. And we’re ready for all your channels, divisions, and brands.
Missing functionality in your old platform?
We solve it with SAP integration.
✔ Real-time from SAP:
Manufacturers are switching
to the Corevist Platform.
Learn how LORD Corporation switched to Corevist.
Solutions For Every Customer Service Problem.
“At a minimum, we had to replicate the features we already had. We also had a wish list of new features from our customers. [And] we wanted to find a vendor and solution that would let us keep everything in SAP.”
—Jane Mascia, Senior Business Systems Analyst, LORD Corporation