Unlock Efficiency: Explore Corevist’s Fast VC for SAP Integration, No Data Duplication Required

CPQ Buying Solutions with SAP VC Data | Corevist

Real-time SAP variant configuration in B2B eCommerce.

Because Corevist is built on a real-time integration to SAP, product configuration in B2B eCommerce is 100% driven by SAP variant configuration rules. Your customers can perform the same configurations through self-service which Sales and Customer Service can do in SAP.

Simplify your variant configuration
ordering process thru B2B eCommerce

How do you process orders today for configurable products?

Whether you rely on phone/fax/email, a standalone ordering portal, or a solution with batch integration to SAP, Corevist Commerce + SAP variant configuration offers a powerful alternative.

No middleman transferring data. No configuration errors. Just instant order posting, with configurable products 100% conformed to your SAP VC rules.

Leverage the power of B2B eCommerce for all your products.

Corevist isn’t just for configurable products.

Our solutions empower you to sell all your products online, whether configurable or not, through B2B eCommerce.

But we don’t stop with the browsing and buying experience. Our solutions also cover order tracking, account management, and invoice payment capabilities—all integrated to your SAP system in real time.

Schedule a consultation with us today.

Our specialists will listen to your business problems and advise you on a path forward.